Do you like dim-sum?? Did you know that you can make shuumai dumplings without a steamer? If you have a large pan and a lid, you can make perfectly tender and savory dim sum in 15 minutes.
I served mine with spinach salad, vegetable soup and bowl of rice.
Try one for today's dinner!
Also the leftovers can be a great option for your bento box.
PS: My English is really not that good, so if you have any questions following my recipes, feel free to ask through my Instagram!!

<Yield> 3-4 servings
<Prep time> 7 minutes
<Cook time> 8 minutes
300g pork mince/ground pork
1 small onion
3 tablespoons potato starch
24 corn kernels
3 tablespoons Soy sauce
2 tablespoons Toasted sesame oil
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons chicken stock powder
1 teaspoons ginger, grated
<Optional toppings>
chili oil
1. Chop the onion finely. Sprinkle with potato starch and mix it well. The potato starch will absorb the moisture from the onion and prevent the shuumai from getting too soggy.

2. In a large bowl, place in the pork mince and all the seasonings listed above. Mix them together until they become sticky. Add in the onions from step 1 and combine again.

3. Scoop approximately 1.5 tablespoons of meat mixture and wrap it up with the shuumai wrapper. I made about 24 pieces with this portion, but it’s not so precise. As long as the meat mixture fit into your wrapper, that’s perfectly fine! Garnish with one corn kernel on each dumpling.
Pressing in the meat mixture with back of spoon and also creating a flat surface on top.↓

4. Make a bed of leafy vegetables, then place all the dumplings on top. Make sure to leave a space in between each dumplings. Pour 100ml of water on the edge of the pan. Pop the lid on. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat to medium-low and steam them for 7-8 minutes.

5. Open the lid and transfer the dumplings onto a serving plate. You can serve them with some vinegar, mustard and chili oil.

・When you wrap up your mixture, make sure to attach the wrapper and mixture tightly. If it’s not well attached, there is a chance the wrapper will come off when you steam it.
・You can swap the onion for leeks or mushrooms.
・Make sure to leave a space between each dumplings when you steam them so that the dumplings won’t stick to each other!
・To check if the dumplings are fully cooked or not, poke them with a folk. If the juice come out translucent then it means they're fully cooked.
・I used Chinese cabbage as a bed for the dumplings this time, but any leafy greens like lettuce or cabbage will work.
・This is a great option for the bento box!
<Storage time>
Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
<MIWA’s recommendations♡>
-Please check out beautiful Japanese tableware to decorate your table! Use my code MIWA to get 5% off from your purchase!
-If you need very sharp quality knife, I highly recommend this handmade Japanese knife made by 80 years old Japanese maker!
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