Have you ever been overwhelmed by the many types of mushrooms found in Japanese supermarkets? Can these mushrooms be eaten raw?
I love love mushrooms while my kids hate mushrooms!! haha
There are so many kinds of mushrooms that you can only find in Japan. Enjoy trying these new kinds of mushrooms!
Let’s explore the world of mushrooms!
1. What season is the best to eat mushrooms?
2. What are the 4 kinds of major mushrooms you can find in Japan?
3. How do you store the mushrooms?
4. How do you eat and cook the mushrooms?
5. Recipe using mushrooms.
<1: What season is the best time to eat mushrooms?>
September- November (Japan)
※It differs depending on the mushrooms.
<2. What are the 4 kinds of major mushrooms you can find in Japan?>
Enoki mushrooms (えのき; enoki)
-Low in calories but rich in minerals! YAY!
-Has anti-cancer properties.
-You don’t want to over cook them otherwise they will lose their texture easily.
Shimeji mushroom (しめじ;shimeji)
-Rich in umami.
-Rich in dietary fiber which contributes to relieving constipation and lowering cholesterol levels.
Shiitake mushroom(椎茸;shiitake)
-The texture is very meaty. This is a great option as a meat substitute.
-Lowers blood cholesterol.
-Activates immune cells.
-When shiitake mushrooms are dried the vitamin D increases. This contributes to bone formation.
Maitake Mushroom(舞茸;maitake)
-Rich in texture and aroma.
-High in vitamin B, vitamin D and minerals.
<3. How do you store the mushrooms?>
-Store them in the fridge.
-The mushroom go bad pretty easily. Make sure to use them up within 2 days.
-To store the mushrooms longer:
1. Dry the mushroom in the sun. By letting them dry, not only it will they last longer but it also increases their nutritional value. I often use dried mushrooms in soup. It is super tasty!!!
2. Freeze them in a ziplock bag.
By freezing the mushrooms, the cell membranes of the mushrooms breakdown and the enzyme works to increase the taste.
<4. How do you eat and cook the mushrooms?>
-Make sure to cook them before you eat. Cremini mushrooms are the only kind that are edible when raw.
- Do not wash the mushrooms to retain their aroma. All you have to do is gently wiping off the dust and dirt with clean cloth or kitchen towel.
-Each kinds of mushrooms has a different texture and aroma. I often mix multiple kinds of mushrooms for soup and stews. It’s packed with flavor!
<5;Recipe using mushrooms>
<MIWA’s recommendations♡>
-Please check out beautiful Japanese tableware to decorate your table! Use my code MIWA to get 5% off from your purchase!
-If you need very sharp quality knife, I highly recommend this handmade Japanese knife made by 80 years old Japanese maker!
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2020/11/13 MIWA